So, here's your self-love checklist.

This checklist is your starting point, your first building block. This is where you can start to implement changes and adjust your mindset to benefit your daily mentality.

Watch Your Words

The first thing that you need on your journey to loving the exquisite human being that you are, is to watch your words. Wake up knowing that the words you speak to yourself, about yourself, and with others to you become what your blueprint is made of.

This becomes part of your DNA code. It is not just words; it becomes the structures that hold you together. So, if you were always going on about how you were not enough, your psyche will produce enough examples of you not being enough to make it true. The words we speak become fundamental.

If you want to love the person you're seeing in the mirror, start by watching your words. So this is about watching the words that come out of your mouth.

So when you say “I am,” what needs to follow? It needs to be something that is going to build you up rather than tear you down. And yes, there are days that you have moments where you weren't feeling well, this wasn't the greatest thing. Instead of saying I am not good enough, or I suck at this, you can say you know what? This attempt was not great. So, it's the attempt that sucked, it is what you've done is not who you are.

Even when you've had a failing moment, it is not “I am a failure.” You need to rephrase it as “I failed at this activity. What do I have to do better? What is my next step? How do I change this?”


Make Time to Play

Do you want to love yourself?

Laughter, joy and pleasure are part of the ingredients of loving who you are. Laughter fills your soul with joy. When you laugh, you are more of who you are. The real you shines through when you are in pleasure. When you are in joy, and when you are in full, sensual awareness of yourself, your true self shines through and that self is infectious. 

She is magnetic, she draws people to you like moths to a flame. You become a level of delicious that is just unbelievable. You are radiant. When you meet joy, when you meet play, when you meet laughter, then your radiance cannot be hidden.

Embrace your Inner Wisdom

Embrace your inner wisdom. We, especially as women have been taught to go outside of ourselves to find knowledge or to find wisdom, that there is somebody smarter than us. What that does, is it dulls our ability to tap into our own intuition, into our inner knowing.  When we tap into our inner knowing, we tap into our inner wisdom, we are tapping into a source of knowledge itself.

We are tapping into something greater than ourselves. And that's when we come up with flashes of inspiration and geniuses. And sometimes because we do it so inconsistently, we then call it a fluke or a moment of luck or some other fancy words, and that allows the imposter to breathe and thrive. Instead, you need to nurture and trust that instinct, that inner knowledge, as that is where your genius lies.

You have a wellspring of inner wisdom, make time to meet it and meet her. She exists in the silence. She exists in play. She exists when you are finding creative ways to express yourself. She exists in your doodling, she exists in that space that is not external. She exists when you are focused on just making room to flow in your life. 

Make time to meet her and tap into that inner wisdom.

Move your Body

You have to move this amazing, complex machinery you're in. This body is so incredible.

It deserves movement, fresh air sunlight, the vitamin D is required. This body requires movement. Now I'm not suggesting you must work out 10 times a day. I'm not suggesting you must do anything other than moving your body the way your body can be moved. Make time to unfurl and shake off the cobwebs and let your body engage. Engage her. 

Say Yes to Your Desires

Finally, say yes to your desires. This body needs you. She needs you to say yes to the things that you desire the most. She needs you to say yes to your dreams and your visions. She needs you to say yes to what makes your heart sings. Before you can say yes authentically to those things you must be willing to say no to the things that dull you, the things that feel like obligation and challenges… Say no to the things that feel like doing this will take you away from what is important to your soul. So first find your no and then embrace the fullness of your yes.

Self-care is a vital part of your overall well-being. It contributes to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Therefore, making room for self-care, and making time for yourself is the most important step in the journey to living life with you front and centre. 

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About the Author Lillian Ogbogoh

Lillian Ogbogoh is a multi-faceted woman; A successful business woman within the coaching industry, with a refreshingly unique approach. She is an NLP practictioner, qualified hypnotherapist and an expert on the feminine archetypes. 

Lillian has been featured in podcasts, and has authored a book. She is fiercely passionate about women realising their potential and having life on their terms, not under the weight of societal constructs. 

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